The list of participants will be regularly updated.
Sreelekshmi Ajithkumar, University of Nottingham
Nils Andersson, University of Southampton
Tasos Avgoustidis, University of Nottingham
Tahmina Aziz, UKRI-STFC
Sangshin Baak, University of St Andrews
Vitor Barroso Silveira, University of Nottingham
Laura Batini, ITP, Heidelberg university
Thomas Billam, Newcastle University
Alessia Biondi, CNRS, Institut Pprime (Poitiers, France)
Cameron Bunney, University of Nottingham
Christopher Burgess, University of St Andrews
Maria Chiara Braidotti, University of Glasgow
Simon Cornish, Durham University
Jelte Duchene, Kirchhoff Institut für Physik, Heidelberg
Christoph Eigen, University of Cambridge
Liam Farrell, McMaster University
Stefan Floerchinger, Theoretisch-Physikalisches Institut, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Ludivine Goncalves, Institut Pprime (Poitiers, France)
Victor Gondret, Institut d'Optique - Université Paris-Saclay
Cisco Gooding, University of Nottingham
Chris Goodwin, University of Nottingham
Oliver Gould, University of Nottingham
Ruth Gregory, King's College London
Seán Gregory, University of Nottingham
Ansh Gupta, King's College London
Emilie Hertig, University of Cambridge
Thomas Hird, University of Oxford
Grégoire Ithier, RHUL
Maxime Jacquet, Sorbonne University
Lina Jansson, University of Nottingham
Maciej Jarema, University of Nottingham
Alex Jenkins, University of Cambridge
Matthew Johnson, Perimeter Institute and York University
Elinor Kath, Kirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Uni Heidelberg
Anthony Kent, University of Nottingham
Friedrich Koenig, University of St Andrews
Sumit Kumar, Royal Holloway, University of London
Clothilde Lamirault, Institut d'Optique, Laboratoire Charles Fabry
Stefano Liberati, SISSA
Carlos Lobo, University of Southampton
Jorma Louko, University of Nottingham
Pavlos Manousiadis, University of St Andrews
Ian Moss, Newcastle University
Duncan O'Dell, McMaster University
Leo Parry, University of Nottingham
Sam Patrick, King's College London
Everett Patterson, Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo
Hiranya Peiris, University of Cambridge, Institute of Astronomy
Mauricio Richartz, Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), Brazil
Tales Rick Perche, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics / University of Waterloo
Scott Robertson, CNRS, Institut Pprime (Poitiers, France)
Xavier Rojas, RHUL
María Rosa Preciado-Rivas, University of Waterloo
Silvia Schiattarella, University of Nottingham
Christian Schmidt, Theoretisch-Physikalisches Institut, University of Jena
Ralf Schuetzhold, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf/TU Dresden
Pietro Smaniotto, University of Nottingham
Leonardo Solidoro, University of Nottingham
Dmitry Solnyshkov, Institut Pascal (CNRS/University Clermont Auvergne)
Ian Spielman, JQI, NIST and the University of Maryland
Patrik Svancara, University of Nottingham
Samin Tajik, UBC
Hendrik Ulbricht, University of Southampton
Kamalam Vanninathan, Science and Technologies Facilities Council
Silke Weinfurtner, University of Nottingham
Christoph Westbrook, Institut d'Optique Graduate School, CNRS
Adam Wilkinson, University of Nottingham