Theo Torres

Institution King's College London
About Theo Torres (KCL) joined King’s after spending time as a postdoc at the University of Nottingham working on analogue models of compact gravitational objects. Prior to this, Theo was a member of the the Cosmology and Relativity Group at the University of Sheffield, where he worked on electromagnetic self-force in the Kerr metric. After o btaining a master’s degree in theoretical physics with a focus on black holes, cosmology, and quantum field theory, Theo followed the idea of logical positivism and investigated these subjects from an experimental point of view. As a PhD student at the University of Nottingham, he conducted experiments to mimic black hole physics in a wavetank, resulting in the observation of superradiance and light-ring mode oscillation around a vortex flow. Theo's aim is to use condensed matter systems in the form of analogue models of gravitational settings as a source of inspiration to deepen our understanding of classical and quantum fields in curved space-times.