Experience Highlights
We will host a poster session in the UoN Senate Chamber. With around 40 posters on display, this session offers an excellent opportunity for discussion and networking. Refreshments, including nibbles and drinks, will be provided.
Instructions for presenters: Posters should be prepared in A1 format (portrait orientation). We strongly recommend printing your poster in advance. However, a printing service is available on campus if needed.
List of presenters (regularly updated):
Gregor Bals: Progress in the simulation of the holographic superfluid: traps and obstacles
Laura Batini: Decay of the 𝛑-mode in tunnel-coupled quasi-1D Bose-Einstein condensates
Vitor Barroso: Third-sound detectors in accelerated motion
Alessia Biondi: Field theory description of surface and vorticity waves incident on an analogue black hole
Simon Brunner: Gravity in a cavity: exploring analogues of modified cosmology
Cameron Bunney: Circular motion Unruh effect: recent developments
Christopher Burgess: Hyperboloidal method for quasinormal modes of non-relativistic operators
Nadine Cetin: Advancing the formulation of a quantum theory of liquids
Jelte Duchene: Realization of absorptive boundaries for acoustic phonons: simulating infinitely extended systems in quantum field simulators with a quasi-2D Bose-Einstein condensate
Chris Goodwin: Surface imaging in thin-film superfluid helium-4
Sean Gregory & Silvia Schiattarella: Tracking the nonlinear formation of an interfacial wave spectral cascade from one to few to many
Maciej Jarema: Exploring mutual information in 2D field theory simulators
Elinor Kath: Understanding cosmological particle production as 1d scattering problem
Arthur La Rooij: Programmable potentials to simulate synthetic horizons
Carla Martinez Izquierdo: CPW microwave resonator for superfluid thin film surface wave detection
Alvaro Parra-López: Road to observing entangled pairs in BEC analog cosmological expansion
Leo Parry: Circular motion Unruh effect
Everett Patterson: Superposed spacetime as perceived by an accelerated detector
Christian Schmidt: Quantum field simulation of cosmological particle production as a scattering problem
Leonardo Solidoro & Pietro Smaniotto: Black-hole spectroscopy from a giant quantum vortex
Samin Tajik: Field-theoretic detection of the Unruh effect via decaying oscillators
Adam Wilkinson: Superfluid back-action from quantum detectors